Monday, 18 April 2011

Somatic exercise for resolving scoliosis


Do this at home - Stand in front of a mirror and notice if your shoulders are symetrical or is one higher than the other. Also, do this for your hips, are they at the same level or is one higher. To closer inspect this place a hand on each waist just above the pelvis to get a sense.
Finally, does your head rest in a central position or is it pulled to the left or the right.

If any of the above are apparent you are in the grip of The Trauma Relfex.
The trauma relfex is a reaction of the sensory-motor system meant to gaurd against pain.
If the body is injured, a muscular cringing takes place to hold a tight protective pattern around the point of injury. This protective holding pattern can occur anyhwere in the body but most commonly it can be seen on one side of the body.

In my 1-1 somatic practice many clients visit me having been told they are suffering from scoliosis.
To some degree this is true, they do have a spinal curvature but it does not answer how they ended up in this state unless they were born with the issue which is very raer.

Chronically contracted muscles will pull the body in the direction they are tightest.
For example, if the right oblique (waist) muscles are held in a tight contraction the body will be pulled that way. Spinal curvatures, leg length inbalances, asymetrical shoulders/hips and heads off centre originate from the trauma reflex. Releasing the tight and often painful muscles associated with this pattern is the key to sufferers standing straight and with comfort again.

Click on the link for a video of a specific somatic exercise that helps to relieve/resolve symptoms associated with scoliosis.
Somatic exercise

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