Tuesday, 6 September 2011


Somatic exercises involve a process called pandiculation.
Pandiculation involves a symmetrical and coordinated contraction and release of muscles.
Picture a dog or cat rising from a sleep state. They will immediately embark on a series of what look like stretches on the service. What they are actually doing is stiffening tight areas and then slowly letting them relax. It gives a sense of muscles relaxing and lengthening and prepares their brain for voluntary actions. Humans have the same capabilities.

Performed slowly, pandicular movements can lower the resting levels of tight/sore muscles by engaging the higher levels of the brain (motor cortex) which is where voluntary control resides.
The emphasis is on control and awareness of muscles as opposed to stretching them.

Follow the link below to get a more in depth look at the difference between stretching and pandicular movements - Pandiculation and stretching.


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